Friday, 19 September 2014

Why Her by Spike Jonze really spoke to me.

So for almost half a year, after having watched the trailer to Spike Jonze's 'Her' I was absolutely determined to watch this film. I watched the film pretty much on the release date and man... even still I find myself thinking about the ideas of it and just how beautifully constructed the films message is. I realised after my second viewing of the film how it was never about Theodore falling in love with his computer, Samantha.

Instead, the film focuses on the moments you share with remarkable people in your life. It focuses on an incredibly lost mind, by the end of the film you have two completely lost minds. It was exactly this aspect of the film that really got to me. I found that I sometimes felt like Theodore while alone at my desk or laying, I felt lost and not entirely sure what I wanted and I felt this predominantly throughout my teenage and now adult life. This feeling of being lost has always been associated with me by friends and family. I guess there was always good reason for that, to be honest I live in my head 90% of the time and hey I enjoy it. Anyway! back to the film! So one day Theodore decides to upgrade his OS into an artificial intelligence called Samantha, well he falls in love with her... and man it's so beautiful to see them grow. As Theodore once says in the film "There's something so incredible about sharing your life with someone" and that, that right there is when I truly felt Theodore had some sort of direction, something he wanted, something he was sure about.

I couldn't help but understand that, there really is something about sharing your life with someone and when Samantha Says "I can feel the fear you carry around, and I wish there was something I could do to help you let go of it, cos' if you could I don't think you'd feel so alone any more." I just understood, I guess that's because I have an amazing girlfriend who does just that for me but also the fact that I came from something dark before, we both did and well... "the past is just a story we tell ourselves" I realised that after I found someone who truly got me, someone who was there for the moment, someone who just made you forget about everything you came from regardless of the mistakes and crap.

There's an interesting thing Amy Adam's character says towards the end of the film. "fuck it". I've always been worried about just about everything and I've always been bad at relationships, always worried too much and not been exciting enough or even outgoing, until yeh... "fuck it" and now here I am three years strong. Yeh sure I still feel lost and occasionally alone at times but in a good way, I'm happy. You're only here once and if you're gonna waste your time worrying then please just stop, walk out that door and do stuff... do what you've always wanted to and from doing exactly that you'll find yourself in amazing places. I'm no expert but what I think Spike is trying to say is just a giant arse "FUCK IT" and he's telling you to be happy, the film isn't really about Samantha being a computer, the film is about Theodore just not caring any more and following what he loves, even if it doesn't end well... just keep going.

and with that,
Stay Caffeinated.

Also... Arcade Fire... thank you.

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